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The Meilairean Reviews

A bookish branch of The Meilairean Wednesdays by Febriani Savitri.

Happy Cat, Happy You: Quick Tips for Building a Bond with Your Feline Friend

Happy Cat, Happy You: Quick Tips for Building a Bond with Your Feline Friend - Arden Moore I learned so much from this book, although I'm still figuring how to create more bond to my very shy cat who is previously a stray cat that may has a lot of past trauma with humans.

Jayne Netley Mayhew's Cross Stitch Animal Collection (Jayne Netley Mayhew's Cross Stitch)

Jayne Netley Mayhew's Cross Stitch Animal Collection (Jayne Netley Mayhew's Cross Stitch) - Jayne Netley Mayhew oh ampun! semoga umurku cukup untuk menyulam itu SEMUA!!!

The Silent Cry

The Silent Cry - Kenzaburō Ōe, John Bester oh ampun.. I was a bit depressed when I read this book, and it took hella long to read the whole book because of my bad emotion and the dark feeling this book gave to me. but strangely I like this book..

Tahun 69

Tahun 69 - Ryū Murakami, Widati Utami this is one of my all time favorite books! but please, just read the english version instead of indonesian one if possible. I haven't read the later version but I doubt that it'll be as cool & hilarious as the english one! I can say that it's Ryu Murakami's best book. to be honest, I can't enjoy other works of him as much as this one. "In The Miso Soup" is not bad, but honestly I don't really enjoy "Piercing" and "Almost Transparent Blue". just my personal impression, anyway..


Lizard - Banana Yoshimoto nice!! as how expected from her :)

Gubenur Sumatera Dari Aceh Ke Pemersatu Bangsa: Mr. Teuku Moehammad Hasan Memoir

Gubenur Sumatera Dari Aceh Ke Pemersatu Bangsa: Mr. Teuku Moehammad Hasan Memoir - Moehammad Hasan edan, buku ini dikasih kakek sampai dua kopi, read it till the end when I was like in jr. high school and now completely forgot about what's it all about and how could I really read it back then. oh, this is not a real review anyway!

How to Be Idle

How to Be Idle - Tom Hodgkinson bagian-bagian awal cukup seru, tapi mulai ke tengah makin terasa dipaksakan ... dan aku berhenti membacanya di tengah. jujur kecewa!